4 Smells That Cause Migraines
A migraine is a neurological condition that causes what is often described as a throbbing pain and sensitivity to light and sound, as well as nausea. Migraines can be caused by a number of things, such as stress, caffeine, certain medications, changes in your sleep or physical activity, foods, or even something as seemingly little as certain smells.
While this could include a wide range of different smells, some of the most common triggers are:
1. Cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke is a cause for nearly 72% of those who have migraines that are triggered by smells. It is fairly self-explanatory, as this smoke is often a prominent smell to those who do not smoke themselves. The smell is one that, many times, bothers even those who do not suffer from migraines.
2. Food odors
This particular smell affects those triggered by smells differently on a case by case basis. For some, it is only certain foods. For others, it pertains more to the burning of certain foods. One of the most common migraine triggering food is onions. Also at the top of the list would be fatty and fried foods.
3. Perfumes
Perfumes triggered migraines in 95% of those who are affected by smells. In some cases, even the slightest smell of perfume can trigger a migraine. This could be in smaller doses, such as perfumed deodorant or body wash. It could also be stronger, easily noticed scents, such as freshly sprayed perfume or cologne. Either way, the result can often lead to painful migraines.
4. Cleaning chemicals
More than 80% of those who have migraines triggered by smells are affected by the smells associated with cleaning chemicals. These types of chemicals include bleach, aerosol sprays, such as Lysol or air fresheners, or even something as light scented as perfumed laundry soap or fabric softener.
A sensitivity to smell, or octophobia, is frequently a cause of migraines. Studies show that smells can often lead to stimulation of the trigeminal nerve. This then leads to either inflammation or causes blood vessels to shrink. In turn, migraines start to happen. Treating this sensitivity to smell typically consists of just avoiding the particular smell as much as possible. In some cases, this is easier said than done. Avoiding these smells can be a saving grace though, when it comes to migraines and the pain associated with them. In many cases, chronic migraine medications are over the counter medications can help manage the severity of migraine pain. Advil medication for migraine headaches is a popular choice.