5 essential car storage tips you need to know

5 essential car storage tips you need to know

Whether you are going on a long vacation or trying to save expenses, you need to store your car efficiently to avoid damages. Leaving your car unattended and unprotected on the streets can discharge its battery or, even worse, damage the engine and tires. Not to forget the infestation of rats and rodents could leave your vehicle destroyed.

Essential vehicle storage tips to keep your car safe

Prep your car
The cleaner your vehicle the better. Keep the gas tank full and add a sufficient amount of gasoline stabilizer to avoid the formation of gum and varnish in the tank. Remove the dirt from the underbody, particularly from inside the wheels. Since dirt has the tendency to hold moisture, it can cause iron and steel to rust. Clean the interiors of the car with a vacuum cleaner and remove anything and everything that could attract rodents or critters.

Save the car battery
This is one of the most important vehicle storage tips. An unattended car battery loses its charge. So, if you are going on a long vacation, ask someone or hire a mechanic to start the car once every week for 5 to 10 minutes. This helps in better maintenance of your car’s battery as it keeps the engine adequately lubricated. A low-cost solution to this could be disconnecting the battery from the car’s electric system. It will stop the stereo and timings from functioning, but other presets will function properly. Other than this, you can also buy a trickle charger to ensure that it delivers enough charge to prevent the battery from discharging.

Avoid using parking brakes
It is okay to leave your car on parking brakes overnight or for a day or two. But if your car is left on its parking brakes for more than a week, it can damage the brake pads. Leaving vehicle’s brake pads in contact for too long can result in its fusion. Instead, you can use a tire stopper or a chock to prevent the car from moving.

Prevent flat spots
Consult a car mechanic to ensure that the tires are inflated to the recommended tire pressure. The car develops flat spots if left stationary for too long as the weight of the vehicle presses down the tires, damaging them. So, if you are planning to leave your car unused for at least a month, make sure to take the wheels off and place them on jack stands on all four corners.

Along with your engine, other car components also need to be lubricated if you are leaving your car unused for a long period. An important vehicle storage tip: lubricate the hood, latch release, and hinges to protect them from moisture. Similarly, brake fluid also absorbs moisture causing the brake system to corrode and rust. Use nonhygroscopic silicone fluid if you are storing your vehicle for a longer period.