5 Foods That Can Increase Breathing Problems

5 Foods That Can Increase Breathing Problems

Breathing problems affect millions in the United States each year. Breathing issues, or conditions like asthma or COPD, can be passed down genetically, through the air we breathe, the environment, or even the food we eat can place a toll on our breathing. Let’s explore foods that can increase breathing difficulties:

1. Corn
Farmer’s Lung is a condition that can be caused by mold spores on corn commonly affecting farmers. Some of the symptoms that are common with Farmer’s Lung include a dry cough, increased heart rate, and even shortness of breath. Usually, doctors are able to diagnose this illness with a pulmonary function test or an invasive lung biopsy. There is actually not a cure for Farmer’s Lung but it can be controlled by staying away from the allergens or steroids can also be effective in treating the inflammation.

2. Excess salt or sugar
The sodium in salt can cause your body to hold on to water. When someone’s body has extra fluid the heart has to pump extra hard, eventually causing high blood pressure and shortness of breath. People who have allergies to sugar could go into anaphylaxis shock which would be shortness of breath or wheezing. Reducing your salt or sugar intake can help prevent these breathing issues from occurring before it is too late. There are also alternative choices to season food that does not cause symptoms, like water retention, that salt does.

3. Preservatives and additives
Preservatives and additives can cause breathing problems in some adults and possibly be linked to asthma according to the Mayo Clinic. Some of these allergies are so severe they can require severe asthma treatment such as breathing machines. Some preservatives such as aspartame which is common in diet sodas can cause breathing problems to worsen. The preservative sulfites can also be linked to breathing issues.

4. Milk
People can experience breathing problems if they are allergic to milk which can result in anaphylaxis. This type of drink is one of the top 5 most common food allergies. An allergy to dairy could also cause stomach and skin reactions. People who are allergic to dairy should avoid dairy products. Some producers do manufacture dairy-free alternatives such as lactose-free products.

5. Cabbage
Cabbage is considered a cruciferous vegetable which is a major contributor to gas and bloating. People with lung disease are more affected by this extra gas and can experience difficulty breathing. Choosing a different vegetable is the best way to avoid these side effects.

Some common breathing conditions include asthma, which is caused by inflammation in the airway, COPD which causes problems exhaling, or even emphysema which is normally caused by smoking and can result in the use of a portable oxygen unit. Food can be a trigger for certain types of breathing issues and we will explore some of the common foods that affect breathing and how they cause the issues.