5 Foods That Help Ease Eczema
By choosing to go on an eczema diet, you are choosing to help lessen the stress of your life by ridding the unwanted symptoms that eczema brings you. Between the dry skin and itching from atopic dermatitis, you will be doing yourself a huge favor by adding specific foods to your diet to help with the symptoms. Foods that are excellent for an eczema diet are fatty fish, blueberries, yogurt, cheese, and spinach. All of which are linked to helping with the dry skin and itching you have been experiencing.
1. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are excellent for atopic dermatitis as they contain anti-inflammatory agents such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating at least 250MG of Omega-3 per day will help symptoms of eczema you may be experiencing. Fish with high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids are salmon and herring.
2. Blueberries
Blueberries are not only delicious to consume, but they are also very beneficial to those you suffering from the harsh symptoms of eczema which includes extremely dry skin and irritated areas on your skin that may become painful. Blueberries contain quercetin which is a flavonoid that helps reduce inflammation.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is rich in probiotics which is excellent for supporting a healthy immune system. By keeping your immune system running properly, you will greatly reduce your chances of eczema symptoms flaring up and causing pain in certain areas of your body. Just by eating 1-2 cups of yogurt a day you will start to notice fast improvements.
4. Soft cheese
Soft cheese such as gouda is rich in probiotics which health support a healthy immune system to fight off your eczema symptoms. You can easily add gouda to your diet by putting it in mac and cheese, zucchini cheese bites, or apple pies. The average serving of gouda per day to help with symptoms is between 1/2-1 cup.
5. Spinach
Spinach is another food that contains quercetin to provide your body with the flavonoids it needs to reduce the inflammation of eczema that you are experiencing. Spinach is excellent in salads, sandwiches, and even boiled in water while being added to the food of your choice. Other vegetables that contain quercetin are kale and broccoli. Just by adding these vegetables to you everyday diet you will start noticing improvements within just a few weeks.