5 Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

5 Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Healthy eyes produce tears throughout the day so that the eyes remain covered with a layer of fluid constantly. This layer of fluid is known as the tear film. This tear film is made of water, oils and other substances to fight bacteria. The blinking of the eyes helps spread the layer of fluid evenly across the eye. With a healthy eye, this fluid helps prevent eyes from going dry. When the eye is not producing enough fluid, dry spots are created leading to dry eye syndrome.

There are some home remedies to treat dry eye syndrome. If the symptoms are persistent or severe, it is recommended to visit an eye specialist:

1. Warm compress
Applying a warm, moist compress can help alleviate the symptoms of chronic dry eyes. It will also help with the eyelids to produce more lipids which improve the quality of teas. This improved quality could evaporate at a slower rate, keep the eye moisturized for longer. Ideally, the warm compress should be warm but not too hot. The compress should also be sterilized before and after the application to make sure it contains no bacteria or other harmful substances for the eye.

2. Humidifier
By controlling the humidity levels of the environment, the levels of moisture in the room can be increased. This will help in maintaining more fluid in the eyes. It will also reduce the evaporation rate. If possible, an air purifier could also be used to clean the air. Any smoke or dust in the air is going to make the symptoms worse for dry eyes.

3. Change your diet
Adding fatty acids to the diet can help treat chronic dry eye syndrome. Foods high in Omega-3 oil are rich in essential fatty acids. Foods such as salmon, tuna, flax seeds, walnuts, and soybean oil are great sources of natural omega-3 oil.

4. Regular eyewash
A well-known home remedy for dry eyes is to use baby shampoo to wash the eyelids and eyelashes. Regular eyewashes will help remove crust from the eyelids and eyelashes. It will also help keep inflammation to a minimum. It will not cure the dry eye syndrome but will help alleviate symptoms of dry eye. Eye washing can also act as a preventative measure for dry eyes.

5. Quit smoking
Tobacco is an eye irritant and can contribute to dry eye syndrome. Tobacco has been found to break down the lipid layer of the fluid on the eye. Even second-hand smoking can lead to dry eye syndrome. Quitting or reducing smoking can have a significant positive effect on the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.