6 common conditions that lead to skin rashes

6 common conditions that lead to skin rashes

A rash is a skin condition in which the skin reacts to something, leading to an abnormal texture and other symptoms like pain, itching, and fluid discharge. Generally, skin rash is a result of an allergy, toxins, infection, or larger systemic disease. Allergens, heat, metals, weather changes, insect bite, and certain medical conditions can cause the appearance of a skin rash. Skin rashes can appear in a few hours or immediately, depending on the type of the rash. It may appear on the face, legs, and arms. The treatment for skin rashes depends on its color, cause, and severity. Some rashes get better by themselves while others require medical treatment.

It is essential to know about the different types of skin rash and their symptoms.

Ringworm (tinea corporis)
It is a common fungal infection that results in reddish, round rashes on the skin.

Symptoms of ringworm are:

  • Round rashes which are red in color and are darkened on the edges.
  • It is mostly seen on the arms and legs but can appear anywhere on the body.
  • It is not generally painful.

Diaper rash
These rashes appear if diapers are used for infants and toddlers without taking proper care. It is recommended to apply baby-friendly talc and creams while using a diaper.

Common symptoms of diaper rash:

  • It appears on areas of skin that come in contact with the diaper.
  • The skin looks red, irritated and wet
  • Toddlers may cry while wearing diapers.
  • The affected area is abnormally warm when touched.

It is a skin condition that results in rashes, continuous itching, bumps, and blisters on the skin. Different colored patches are observed on the infected skin. The affected area may become swollen, reddish, and hair loss is possible. Generally, it requires immediate medical attention.

Chickenpox is a result of a viral infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. It appears as a skin rash accompanied by itchy blisters on the face, and it spreads down to cover the chest, back, and other portions of the body. Its typical symptoms include fever and headache. Chickenpox vaccination is useful to control this rash.

Usual symptoms of chickenpox:

  • Yellow, red, or white scaly spots that itch
  • Chickenpox spots may be greasy, or oily, and red-purple in color
  • Hair loss is observed in the affected area

There is a possibility of an allergy or infection when the immune system secretes a chemical called histamine into the bloodstream. As a result of this, blood vessels in the skin enlarge and leak fluid into the outer layer (called the epidermis). The storage of fluid can lead to the swelling know as hives (urticaria).

Hives are characterized by:

  • Spongy appearance
  • Swollen, red appearance without a distinct border
  • Covers a major portion of the skin
  • The spots are very itchy sometimes

Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
It is a common fungal infection that leads to skin disorders.

Characteristic symptoms of athlete’s foot:

  • A red skin rash, mainly between the toes, or sometimes, on the soles of the feet.
  • Symptoms range from mild itchiness and flaking to painful bumps, blisters, and fissures.