All about hair loss and thinning
Hair thinning due to loss is a common problem experienced by everyone, and there are a lot of factors that may lead to hair fall. Hair grows and falls in a natural cycle, but when it falls more than usual, it is a case of hair thinning. We need to understand how the hair grows in order to be able to stop hair fall and thinning. The hair grows in phases:
- Anagen phase : This is the stage when the hair is growing. It is the longest phase that lasts between 2 to 6 years, and the longer the hair stays in this phase, the longer it will grow.
- Catagen phase : This phase occurs for three weeks wherein the hair shaft rests and no growth occurs.
- Telogen phase : This is the phase that takes place after three months, and it is when the hair dies. It is removed from the root, leaving a new strand of hair in the anagen phase.
This means that part of the hair is always in the permanent growth cycle, and you are also shedding hair throughout. There is not much to worry as the growth of hair and hair fall are relative, but the only thing that may change is the number of growth cycles a strand of hair goes through in around 25 to 30 years. There are a number of reasons why the length of the growth cycle of hair may reduce.
Reversing hair loss and thinning
Hair loss is not reversible as there is no miracle that can stop all the causes of hair loss, but you can stabilize the situation.
- For this, you need to talk to a specialist who is well informed and dependable and can give a recommendation. You may have to take medical treatment as the cause of hair thinning and loss may be internal problems like a deficiency or a nervous disorder.
- You need to keep your hair and scalp clean as excessive pollution, dust, and sebum reduce the intake of oxygen, which disrupts the working of the hair follicles. It leads to a lack of vitality and nutrients in the hair shaft. You need to pick a shampoo that is mild and suitable for your scalp, and you should ensure that you keep your hair clean.
- You need to improve blood flow to the scalp. Slow circulation will leave the scalp lifeless and debilitated, which makes it unable to help nourish the growing hair. You can do a simple exercise of putting your head down and massaging the scalp for one minute. This stimulates the skin, increasing the blood flow to the scalp and keeping it supple.
- You can also go for intense treatment of the scalp as it energizes the scalp. Essential oils promote tissue regeneration, and revitalizing the scalp stabilizes the deficiencies with a deep acting treatment.