Alternative Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is commonly referred to as impotence. It’s a medical condition where a man is unable to achieve and/or maintain maximum erection during sexual activity. Some of the symptoms of ED include an erection that is soft, reduced libido and reduced sexual desire. Unfortunately this condition affects up to as many as 30 million men in the U.S. alone. Some of the treatment options available are implants, prescription medications and surgery.
However, if you are looking for an all natural solution this article is for you. Let’s take a look at several natural remedies that are available at your disposal:
1. Strengthen your pelvic floor
A strong pelvic floor can help to enhance an erection by improving rigidity, which helps to keep blood from leaving your penis due to the fact that it’s pressing against an important vein. In a study that was conducted in Britain, researchers demonstrated that kegel exercises used to strengthen these muscles worked much better at improving ED than making other lifestyle changes, such as to limit alcohol, lose weight, or quitting smoking.
Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA for short, is a hormone that is produced by the body naturally via the adrenal glands. DHEA eventually gets converted into testosterone and estrogen. What makes this so interesting is that a study that was conducted in Massachusetts showed that men who had ED also had low levels of this hormone. In another study that was recently conducted, 40 men with erectile dysfunction were split into two groups. The first group was given a placebo for 180 days while the second group was given a supplemental dosage of DHEA which was derived from wild yam and soy. Upon conclusion of the study, the group that received DHEA had a greater chance of getting and keeping an erection.
3. L-arginine
This is an amino acid naturally produced by the body, and a crucial substance for making nitric oxide, which is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels in the penis so that blood can flow into it and cause an erection. Studies have suggested that men who take a supplemental dosage of L-arginine experienced noticeable improvements in sexual performance.
4. Panax ginseng
Panax ginseng commonly referred to as being the herbal version of Viagra, has been used for thousands of years to improve erections and sexual performance. Even though this was thought to be a myth, modern day studies have demonstrated otherwise. In fact, researchers looked at the data of seven previous studies that showed evidence that red ginseng in particular is effective at treating moderate ED.
5. Acupuncture
Last but not least on the list is surprisingly, acupuncture. Even though the studies surrounding this technique are mixed, some studies have suggested that acupuncture can work at helping to maintain erections in 50 percent of the people who consider this option. What this translates to is that there’s a 50/50 chance that this technique may or may not help you to achieve an erection. But, due to the fact that it’s a much safer alternative to Viagra, which can cause blindness and cardiac arrest, it’s an option that’s worth trying.