Home remedies to effectively treat head lice
Head lice are small parasitic insects that are found on the scalp which feed on human blood. A lice infestation medically known as pediculosis capitis is common in school going children between the ages of 3-11 years. It usually occurs due to direct contact with an infected person during school hours or at slumber parties where there are chances of sharing a bed. Lice infestation is not a life-threatening condition but causes irritation due to constant itching, and some children experience an allergic reaction to louse saliva. It is difficult to spot lice as they are very tiny and have a tendency of moving away from light. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that approximately 6 to 12 million individuals in the country have head lice.
Home remedies to get rid of head lice
Since head lice are common in small children home remedies are a better way of dealing with them instead of administering prescription medication. Detailed below are some of the effective methods of treating head lice.
Wet-combing is a traditional method of tackling head lice. Parents spray conditioner on wet strands of hair of the infested child and then rigorously comb it for some time with a fine-tooth comb. This process makes the lice more visible and helps them to become distinguishable from dandruff. Though it is a time-consuming method, it is an effective and affordable way of getting rid of these tiny insects safely.
Smothering the lice
Smothering and suffocating lice by using natural ingredients is another effective way of treating head lice. This treatment makes the lice slow, and they are easily caught in the comb. Experts recommend using a coat of olive or almond oil on the hair to suffocate the lice. After that, parents can group hair strands into small sections and comb it thoroughly. The whole process should be carried out under enough light, and it is necessary to wash the hair with a natural shampoo and rinse it properly. Experts do not recommend the use of petroleum jelly and mayonnaise as they make the hair messy and challenging to wash after the procedure.
Use of essential oils
Essential oil also helps in getting rid of head lice. However, children should never ingest these oils and they should always be used diluted with water or other carrier oils. It is better to introduce a small drop of the diluted oil on the child’s hand and watch whether it causes any reaction before applying it on the scalp. Tea tree oil, lavender oil, neem oil, eucalyptus oil, and peppermint oil are effective in removing lice from the scalp. Mix 15 to 20 drops of the essential oil in about 2 ounces of olive oil (carrier oil) and make a mixture. Use a cotton ball to apply it on the scalp and leave overnight. Comb the hair thoroughly and shampoo the next morning.