Human Foods that are Harmful for Dogs
Many pet owners may not think it is a big deal to feed their dog’s human foods, however, there are many risks involved with this. Feeding your dog human food can lead to pet obesity, allergies, and dog toxicity. Many human foods are dangerous for your dogs and if you do not do proper research you could really harm your dog, both in the long term and short term.
Here are some of the main foods that you should avoid feeding to your dogs because they could be toxic:
1. Onions and garlic
Dogs cannot have onions or garlic no matter how they are prepared. Feeding your dog raw or even cooked onions and garlic could cause them to get severe allergies and may even cause death. Many people may use these species on their foods and then try to feed the food to their dogs without understanding the potential harm they can have.
2. Avocado
Avocados contain an ingredient called persin, which is often toxic for many animals, especially dogs. You should always avoid feeding avocado to your dog because of the potentially life-threatening risks they pose to them.
3. Caffeinated beverages
While it may seem like a no brainer to not feed your dog a caffeinated beverage many people have done this in the past and caused severe health problems for their dogs. Feeding your dog any form of caffeinated beverage can cause severe stomach issues and even caffeine positioning. Since many caffeinated beverages contain caffeine you can give your dog caffeine poisoning without meaning too.
4. Grapes and raisins
Grapes and raisins are extremely poisonous to dogs and can cause death. Experts do not fully understand why these fruits are toxic, however, there have been many instances where these fruits have been ingested by dogs and then the dog dies. If a dog eats these fruits they could develop sudden kidney failure.
5. Dairy products
Many people may share their dairy products with their dogs, however, this is not recommended. Dogs are not supposed to ingest dairy products because they can cause a variety of different allergies in dogs. Dairy products of all kinds can also cause severe diarrhea that lasts for a few days. It can also cause digestive problems and cause irritation. While your dog may not die from dairy products you should still avoid giving them to your dog.
6. Chocolate
The amount of chocolate that you feed a dog can significantly impact the severity of their reaction. Chocolate is meant for only humans and should never be given to dogs. If dogs are given chocolate they will likely experience vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog consumes a large amount of chocolate they can experience much more severe symptoms, like muscle tremors, heart attacks, and seizures.
7. Peaches and plums
Peaches and plums should never be given to dogs because they can be potentially toxic. The pits of peaches and plums can also become a huge choking hazard for dogs. If dogs are given a whole fruit they may try to eat the entire fruit. If they do they will likely try to eat the pit of these fruits, which could potentially cause a choking hazard and even a bowel obstruction.