Natural Plant Remedies to Protect Pets from Fleas and Ticks
Being a pet owner comes with many great benefits and an endless amount of love from your furry friend. However, one of the downsides of having pets can be all of the different pests that can find their way onto your loving fur animal and into your home. Pests, such as fleas and ticks, are known to carry harmful illnesses for your dog and cats.
Protecting your pets does not have to mean dosing them each month with heavy flea and tick treatments. There are several natural tick remedies for pets that are just as effective and again, completely natural which is great for the animal and environment. Below are just a few of the natural plant-based pet flea treatments that are proven to assist in protecting your furry friends during peak pest months:
1. Rosemary
This is a great natural option in order to prevent fleas and ticks getting onto your pets. Rosemary carries such a strong scent and is proven to kill and or repel around 98 to 100% of fleas, ticks, and other pests that may pester your furry family friend.
2. Catnip
This natural plant is not only used to enhance the lives of your cat through rolling and playing. It is also a great natural remedy to blast away any pests on your cats and dogs. Fleas are known to naturally dislike the smell of mint, which catnip carries a ‘minty smell’.
3. Chamomile
Again, this natural plan works to repel fleas and ticks on pets because of the natural scent it gives off. It is an herb that is not necessarily known for removing fleas, but more so slowing down flea activity and allowing owners to take care of the problem.
4. Fleawort or plantain
Fleawort is a plant that has seeds that may look similar to fleas. However, it does a wonderful job at actually repelling the pest. This European species of plant is very appealing with yellow daisy-like flowers and a great scent but pests tend to detest the odor acting as a great repellant.
5. Lavender
This natural pest repellent is fragrant as well as beautiful. Lavender looks and smells wonderful to humans but is similar to DEET or flea powder when it comes to riding pests off of pets.
Both fleas and ticks are known to latch onto pets and feed off of their blood. When looking through your animal’s fur you will want to be on the lookout for flea droppings, flea eggs, excessive licking or scratching, and scabs or hot spots on the skin. It is easiest to use a flea comb to check your cat. Ticks are a bit trickier to identify on your pets but you can feel the tick when it is attached to your pet. The most common areas you will find ticks will be near the head, neck, ears, and eyes. It is crucial to protect your pets during the warmer months when fleas and ticks are more common. Therefore, these natural plant remedies described above can greatly help in aiding against these pests latching on and making your beloved dog or cat its new home.