Treatments for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the leading cancers that affect men of any demographic group. Many people have the misconception that it is an older man’s disease, but men of all ages are susceptible, although, older men are more at risk. The prostate is a walnut shaped gland that produces seminal fluid that transports and nourishes the sperm. Some signs of prostate cancer are difficulty with urination, decreased in the stream of urination, blood in semen, discomfort in pelvic area, pain in the bones, and erectile dysfunction.
The mutation of abnormal cell DNA causes the cells to grow and divide, causing the cancer. Ere are the most common treatments for prostate cancer:
1. Active surveillance for non aggressive prostate cancer
Some prostate cancer in men may not need immediate treatment. The doctor may recommend active surveillance which includes regular follow up biopsies, rectal exams, and blood tests to monitor progression of the cancer. If the cancer is progressing, other treatments like radiation or surgery may become an option. The active surveillance therapy is also known as the watch and wait method of treatment.
2. Surgery for prostate cancer
Surgery for the cancer involves removing the prostate gland, some of the tissue surrounding it, and several lymph nodes. The radical prostatectomy has a risk factor for erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence, and is usually done if the cancer is very aggressive. The surgery can be done by robot assisted surgery where the tools are attached to the robot and inserted into the body through incisions. It can also be done by making an incision in the abdomen called retropubic surgery.
3. Chemo and radiation therapy treatment
This type of treatment uses high powered energy that kills cancer cells. Radiation therapy for prostate cancer is delivered external beam radiation which is done by having a machine move over the body, and direct the high powered beams like X-rays or protons, to prostate cancer. It can also be delivered by the radiation being placed inside the body. This is called Brachytherapy which is placing tiny bits of radioactive seeds into the prostate tissue. Chemotherapy is when drugs are used to kill the cancer cells that grow rapidly. It is either administered by pill form, or through a vein in the arm.
4. Hormone therapy for prostate cancer
Hormone therapy is used to stop the body from producing testosterone, the male hormone. The cells involved in prostate cancer uses these hormones to grow. When the testosterone supply is cut off, it may cause the cancer cells to die, or slow down the growth.
Prostate cancer is very serious in men, and could lead to death. When the first signs are noticed, a doctor should be seen immediately. Prostate cancer has a high survival rate if treated promptly. Men are urged to get early prostate screenings especially if there is a genetic risk factor for the disease. Many men do not give close attention to the prostate until it starts to cause problems with their erections. Early detection is the key to prevention and early prostate cancer treatment.