Foods That Help Fight Lung Cancer

Foods That Help Fight Lung Cancer

There is a lot of research out there and information concerning a diet that can help the body fight against ever developing harmful and deadly cancers, including lung cancer. However, this information does not do too much good for people who have already been diagnosed with lung cancer. If you have already been diagnosed with lung cancer, then you need to find out what a good lung cancer diet is that can help you battle the disease and increase the chances of defeating the disease. It can be hard to know exactly what a lung cancer diet should look like as the factors depend on what type of lung cancer treatments you are receiving, as well as the type of lung cancer you have, like non-small-cell lung carcinoma. For instance, your diet will be different if you are being treated with chemotherapy than if you were being treated with radiation therapy. This is because the different treatment options affect our bodies in different ways, meaning each requires different vitamins and minerals for sustenance. However, there are some studies that have shown that there are a few foods available that can improve overall health while battling lung cancer and provide patients with better odds at beating the cancer.
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Foods that Help Lower Cholesterol

Foods that Help Lower Cholesterol

Our bodies depend on cholesterol, which is found in our blood, for the creation of healthy new cells. When cholesterol levels are too high you run the risk of having a heart attack. If your levels consistently stay high you can end up with fatty deposits in your blood vessels. If they keep growing they will probably end up blocking your blood flow or even worse, they could break off into a clot. Either way, you will have a good chance of having a stroke or heart issues. There are two types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein is referred to as LDL (the bad one) and high-density lipoprotein known as HDL (the good one). The purpose of LDL is to send the particles of cholesterol through the body. If it builds up in the arteries it leaves them narrow and hard. HDL takes care of any excess cholesterol and sends it back to the liver. While cholesterol is responsible for your cells, triglycerides are lipids that also play a part in the status of your arteries and are often included on a cholesterol test. They take the calories that are not used and store them while giving you energy. If your triglycerides are too high they could cause your arteries to harden and the result could be heart problems, a heart attack or a vascular condition.
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Melanoma Symptoms That Can’t Be Ignored

Melanoma Symptoms That Can’t Be Ignored

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that usually appears as red blotchy patches on the skin, but it can also occur inside the mouth, the eyes, and intestines. By the time the cancer is noticed, it could have spread to other parts of the body. If the disease has spread beyond the skin, the treatment options may include surgery to remove the affected lymph nodes, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and biological therapy.  Being aware of the symptoms could save your life. Below are the melanoma symptoms that you should never ignore: Dark streaks under fingernails One of the more common symptoms of melanoma is dark streaks under the fingernails. This may have the appearance that the nails need to be cleaned, but a further look may indicate that it is not normal at all. This unusual streak will often develop under the thumb or the big toe. This symptom can occur to people of any race, but is more common in people of African descent.  Dark moles Dark moles on the scalp are the signs that are most overlooked. Many people think that the hair protects the head, but the head is the most exposed part of the body to sunlight.
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5 Lung Cancer Symptoms Not to be Ignored

5 Lung Cancer Symptoms Not to be Ignored

Lung cancer claims the lives of more patients than any other form of cancer. While the risk of developing lung cancer is greater amongst people who smoke, it can also occur in non-smokers as well. There are two different types of lung cancer; small cell lung cancer SCLC, and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The type of lung cancer diagnosed is determined by the size and appearance of the cancer cells. The earlier stages of lung cancer are often asymptomatic and can go undetected for some time. Early diagnosis helps reduce the risk of developing new cancers and helps prepare your body to fight off cancer-causing cells in your lungs. Though you may not notice any symptoms early on, some changes in your health may begin to present themselves as the condition advances. The following are the symptoms of lung cancer that should never be ignored: Shortness of breath Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer. As lung cancer begins to progress, the lesions and tumors grow closer to major airways, causing shortness of breath. Shoulder pain That pain you’re feeling may not be the result of a pulled muscle. Shoulder pain is another common symptom of lung cancer.
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Major Hepatitis C Signs and Symptoms

Major Hepatitis C Signs and Symptoms

Hepatitis C, sometimes known as HCV, is an infectious disease that affects the liver. The signs and symptoms can be easily mistaken for a liver infection, which is what makes it so dangerous. There are two forms of the hepatitis C virus that a person can contract: acute, and chronic. The difference between the two is that acute lasts for only six months or less, while chronic is ongoing. In any case, it is a good idea to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of hepatitis C, such as the following: 1. Unexplained fatigue Hepatitis C can cause an unnatural amount of fatigue for patients. This unexplained fatigue can sometimes be mistaken for feeling overworked, stressed, or not getting enough sleep. However, the problem is much more severe and typically causes disruptions in a person’s life as it persists. 2. Joint and muscle pain This one is another symptom that is often ignored or written off as being from something else, such as sitting at a desk too long or the result of physical activities like jogging or weight lifting. Once again, this symptom is characterized by the fact that it simply won’t go away in time like normal joint and muscle pain tends to.
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Prevalent Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma

Prevalent Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the white blood cells. The plasma cell helps protect the body by fighting against infections and creating antibodies. Multiple myeloma causes the cancer cells to grow and destroy healthy blood cells. Doctors don’t know what causes this cancer but there are factors that could put one at risk for developing this disease. Being 60 years and older, men, of African American ethnicity, and having a family history of multiple myeloma are speculated to increase the risk. Treatments of this cancer are chemotherapy, radiation, corticosteroid, radiation and stem cell transplant. The following are common symptoms of multiple myeloma, although many patients don’t display any symptoms at all in the early stages: 1. High blood levels of calcium Hypercalcemia can cause many different symptoms. They include feeling weak, drowsy, dehydration, extreme thirst, kidney problems and kidney failure, loss of appetite and confusion. 2. Kidney problems Myeloma protein can significantly damage the kidneys. The kidneys will eventually lose the ability to rid itself of toxins and this can lead to symptoms of itching, leg swelling and shortness of breath. 3. Infections People suffering from myeloma are very likely to get infections. Pneumonia is a very common one that people with myeloma get.
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Common Symptoms and Types of Breast Cancer

Common Symptoms and Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that forms in the cells of breast tissue. It is normally found during routine gynecologic annual exams where a mammogram is performed. If a mammogram shows areas of concern, then biopsies will be done next. Most of the time, when shadows are found on a mammogram of older women, those turn out to be cancerous. Genetic testing can ascertain whether there was a predisposing genetic factor to developing cancer. The common symptoms and types of breast cancer include the following: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Getting tested for the RCA1 and BRCA2 genes is done to rule out genetic predisposition. These two genes were only isolated some 25 years ago, it can be learned through this testing that she may have had breast cancer that went undiagnosed. It is very important to find out if there is a genetic predisposition to developing cancer. Self-exams Performing regular self breast exams is a crucial step to finding lumps in the breast tissue. This should be avoided because of being scared of finding something, but rather should be done regularly to intercept any changes quickly. This should be done once a month. Many lumps found in breasts are benign, but the fact remains they should be immediately investigated.
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Foods And Drinks That May Trigger Asthma

Foods And Drinks That May Trigger Asthma

Asthma is a common health concern that affects children as well as adults. While it is not medically known what causes the disease, asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. When the airways are in contact with one or more triggers, they will become inflamed, grow narrow, and fill with mucus. The most commonly used treatments for an asthma attack is the asthma inhaler.  Oftentimes, certain foods will trigger an asthma attack. This is especially true for people who have food and environmental allergies. The following foods should be avoided if you or a loved one is asthmatic, or at risk of the disease: Food additives Food additives and preservatives can trigger asthma attacks. These include sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium sulfite, and potassium metabisulfite. These additives are generally used in the processing and preparation of food. It can be found in dried fruit and vegetables, packaged potatoes, bottled lemon or lime juice, pickled foods, and fresh or frozen shrimp. Eggs Many people have allergic reactions to eggs. If you have asthma, you may experience the symptoms of asthma that include coughing and wheezing, plus other common allergy symptoms like rash, hives, nausea, or diarrhea. Peanuts and tree nuts Peanuts are a common food that causes allergic reactions.
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Arthritis Foods to Avoid

Arthritis Foods to Avoid

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints, which leads to pain, swelling, and stiffness. There are different kinds of arthritis. The main ones are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Arthritis symptoms are not exclusive to joint pain and swelling. You can also experience fatigue and fever. Being obese puts you at a higher risk for arthritis so it’s best to stick to a nutritious diet and maintain a healthy weight. That’s not the only way food can impact your arthritis. Here are some foods that can trigger rheumatoid arthritis symptoms: 1. Processed foods Processed foods are foods that have undergone a chemical process. Because processed foods like chips, sugary cereals, ketchup, and hot dogs are high in trans fat, they should not be included in an arthritis diet. Trans fats help preserve processed foods, but also stimulate inflammation. 2. Omega-6 fatty acids Omega-6 fatty acids are an essential fat, but too much of anything isn’t healthy. This is especially true if you have arthritis. Too many omega-6 fatty acids can increase inflammation, contributing to arthritis pain. Omega-6 can be found in eggs, nuts, seeds, and oils. 3. Red meats Since red meats are high in omega-6 fatty acids they should be left out of your diet if you have arthritis.
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5 Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

5 Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Healthy eyes produce tears throughout the day so that the eyes remain covered with a layer of fluid constantly. This layer of fluid is known as the tear film. This tear film is made of water, oils and other substances to fight bacteria. The blinking of the eyes helps spread the layer of fluid evenly across the eye. With a healthy eye, this fluid helps prevent eyes from going dry. When the eye is not producing enough fluid, dry spots are created leading to dry eye syndrome. There are some home remedies to treat dry eye syndrome. If the symptoms are persistent or severe, it is recommended to visit an eye specialist: 1. Warm compress Applying a warm, moist compress can help alleviate the symptoms of chronic dry eyes. It will also help with the eyelids to produce more lipids which improve the quality of teas. This improved quality could evaporate at a slower rate, keep the eye moisturized for longer. Ideally, the warm compress should be warm but not too hot. The compress should also be sterilized before and after the application to make sure it contains no bacteria or other harmful substances for the eye. 2. Humidifier By controlling the humidity levels of the environment, the levels of moisture in the room can be increased.
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