Dietary Tips for Bipolar Disorder

Dietary Tips for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder was formerly called manic-depressive disorder and is a mental health condition. It is characterized by extreme mood swings that can include emotional highs, called mania or hypomania and lows, known as depression. During a manic episode energy levels increase and staying focused is difficult. Symptoms of a depressive episode include hopelessness, alienation, lethargy or restlessness, loss of interest in everyday life, changes in appetite and weight, contemplatng suicide, and phantom aches and pains. There is no official bipolar disorder diet, but certain foods can mitigate bipolar symptoms: 1. Cheese, eggs, tofu, and turkey These four mood-stabilizing foods all contain tryptophan. Tryptophan is important to organ function and In the body, it is converted to the hormone serotonin. Known as the “feel good” hormone there is evidence that serotonin moderates manic episodes. The daily intake of tryptophan should equal 1.8 mg per pound of body weight. 2. Foods high in selenium Brain oxidative stress occurs when free radicals overwhelm the body’s antioxidant defenses and oxidative stress can be a contributing factor in depression. Selenium is a free radical-fighting antioxidant and good sources include brazil nuts, beef liver, halibut, and ham. Other sources include sardines, shrimp, tuna, and turkey. Adults need 55 micrograms of selenium daily.
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Healthy Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Healthy Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a debilitating joint disorder. Individuals suffer from inflamed, deformed joints, pain, and inability to function in even the most basic ways. The disorder is chronic, and it progresses from slight inflammation of joints to total immobility, primarily in the far extremities of fingers, feet, wrists, and ankles. Physicians identify RA by its symmetric attacks; both hands, both ankles, and other joints are equally affected. RA is an autoimmune disorder. This means the immune system attacks healthy body tissue. Though researchers and doctors understand the symptoms, causes for the disorder are still under research. Studies have concluded that antibodies designed to attack dangerous viruses and bacteria, instead, attack healthy tissue. Though there is no cure, certain foods may help, and others exacerbate symptoms: 1. Good fats Foods high in natural fats like salmon and avocados are naturally anti-inflammatory and can help reduce pain and immobility in the joints. 2. Seafood High-fat foods are exceptionally beneficial in the care of people suffering from RA. The foods recommended by dietitians include fatty seafood like salmon, tuna, herring, and other fish that live in colder water. They are rich in the fatty acid, Omega-3, which many believe can help fight inflammation.
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How to Naturally Treat a Gout Attack

How to Naturally Treat a Gout Attack

Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night with tender or swollen joints? It could be a gout attack and there are many ways to treat it. The symptoms of a gout attack can include intense joint pain, lingering discomfort, inflammation, redness and limited range of motion. Gout can be treated with medicine or naturally. The natural way to treat gouty arthritis is through a gout diet which consists mostly of low purine foods. Here is a list of natural remedies for gout attacks: 1. Cherries or tart cherry juice According to recent studies, cherries of any kind (sour, sweet, red, black, in extract form, as a juice, or raw) can prevent gout attacks. The recommended serving that is said to be the most effective is three servings of any cherry form over a two-day period. 2. Magnesium Magnesium deficiency is a huge factor in the worsening of chronic inflammatory stress in the body. Making sure you have an adequate amount of magnesium in your body can lower your levels of uric acid. Which in turn lowers your gout risk. This can be achieved by eating magnesium rich foods or taking a magnesium supplement. 3. Ginger Ginger is often used as an anti-inflammatory, which gives it the potential to help gout.
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Lifestyle Changes for Breast Cancer Patients

Lifestyle Changes for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer is a cancer that starts and is created in the cells of the breast. Breast cancer can be found in men and women, however it is more common in women. Many women in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year. Breast cancer occurs when breast cells grow abnormally. These abnormal cells divide very quickly. They form quicker than the healthy cells, and create lumps in the breasts. There are different factors that can cause breast cancer. Some of these factors include lifestyle, environmental factors, hormones, and also genetic makeup: 1. Breast cancer diet Even though there are no foods that can prevent breast cancer or actually cure breast cancer, there are foods that can help your living conditions if you have breast cancer. Here are a few options: Fresh fruits and vegetables are good options because they are full of antioxidants which help your body to fight disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables also provide your body with natural vitamins. Specifically, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kale, and fruits such as berries and peaches. It is very important to have at least five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Foods that have lots of fiber in them are also good for cancer like whole grains, beans and seeds.
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Natural Treatments for Eczema

Natural Treatments for Eczema

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is an irritating skin condition where due to increased sensitivity, an individual may develop itchy, red skin that’s been irritated by outside factors such as food intake and environmental factors. Even though there are products on the market that can help to alleviate the symptoms of this condition, it can leave your skin feeling dry and significantly more irritated. Fortunately however,there are several natural remedies you can use to alleviate the symptoms of this skin condition: 1. De-stress Even though the reasons surrounding this trigger are not clearly understood, stress commonly triggers eczema. Some researchers have theorized that the reason this occurs is because stress itself leads to the development of inflammation. As such, individuals who suffer from this condition can improve their situation by practicing de-stressing techniques to regulate their stress levels. Some of these include: Deep breathing Meditation Exercise Yoga Audio Therapy Aromatherapy New Hobbies Socializing 2. Coconut Coconut oil can be extracted from the meat of the coconut. What’s so interesting about coconut oil is that it features antibacterial properties. Bacteria irritation is a common aggravating factor that can lead to symptoms. It can also help to reduce staph bacteria in particular, which can enter the body through an inflamed portion of the skin which has been cracked or oozing.
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Risk Factors for Colon Cancer

Risk Factors for Colon Cancer

Statistics indicate that approximately 150,000 Americans get diagnosed with colon cancer on a yearly basis. Even though the medical community is not able to tell you if or when you will get colon cancer, by understanding and evaluating your risk factors you can determine your own likelihood of developing the disease further down the line. If you have determined that you are at a higher risk of getting this cancer, you should consider the possibility of getting a stool test officially known as a colonoscopy. When DNA in the cells within the rectum mutate, it leads to the development of colon cancer. In many cases, most of the mutated cells are attacked by the immune system. In some instance they may evade the immune system and grow to develop a tumor. Even though the exact root cause of this type of cancer is unknown, there are several risk factors for colon cancer which can be linked to it, including tobacco use, alcohol use and diet. 1. Lifestyle Diets which consist of a high consumption of red processed meats such as beef, lamb and hot dogs increases your chances of getting this cancer. In addition to that, grilling, broiling and frying meats at very high temperatures may lead to the production of chemicals which contribute to a higher risk as well.
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Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

Receiving a cancer diagnosis from your doctor will have a drastic impact on you and your loved ones. Many people who have cancer were not aware that they had risk factors for the disease in the first place. A risk factor is anything that increases the chances of developing a disease. Some contributing factors can be changed with simple lifestyle and dietary changes while others cannot (i.e., family history of a certain disease). Having one or many risk factors does not mean that you will develop ovarian cancer. However, approximately 10 percent of all ovarian cancers are part of what is known as family cancer syndromes, which result from inherited changes, or mutations, in certain genes. There are several risk factors for ovarian cancer. Some women may experience one or more of them, and some women will not have any, but they do include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Age Aging is one of the major risk factors for ovarian cancer in women. The risk factors get higher as women age, and the cancer rarely occurs in women younger than 40. Ovarian cancer usually develops in women after they have gone through menopause. The average age is generally around 63.
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Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is the 8th most common cancer diagnosed and affects nearly 52,00 people a year, two thirds of which are women. Although the five-year survival rate (depending upon the type of cancer you may have) is high, with nearly 98 percent still alive at the five-year mark, nevertheless, it is a serious form of cancer, killing around 2,100 people each year. Doctors don’t really know exactly what causes thyroid cancer, which is a mutation of the cells within the thyroid. The thyroid itself is an organ in the throat responsible for secreting essential hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate, heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance. According to the Mayo Clinic, thyroid cancer occurs in one of four types: follicular thyroid cancer, papillary thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer and anaplastic thyroid cancer, as follows: 1. Papillary thyroid cancer Papillary thyroid cancer is the most commonly diagnosed of the thyroid cancers. About 80 percent of all thyroid cancers can be classified as papillary thyroid carcinoma. It gets its name from small, nipple-like structures that can be seen under a microscope. Papillary thyroid cancer, quite often affects younger patients from around age 25-40, and often patients have no general symptoms other than a slow growing enlargement in the neck.
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Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction

Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol disorder is a brain disease caused by prolonged and heavy use of alcohol, which is a depressant that contains ethanol or ethyl alcohol. Alcohol changes the way the brain works, which makes it hard to quit. There are a number of reasons people get addicted to alcohol. It is a very personal matter that requires a range of psychological therapies to help the sufferer recover. People with previous addictions should be cautious with their alcohol use. Because substance abuse impacts the brain and behaviour of an individual and it can affect all other facets of their lives, including work, motivations, and individual relationships. The first step in treating alcoholism is admitting that you have a problem. To admit you have a problem is a necessary step on your road to recovery. Your doctor can recommend medication, detoxification, counselling or other treatment options, such as: 1. Detox The first step of an alcohol disorder treatment is detoxification. Detoxification breaks down the body’s physical addiction to alcohol. The goal is to stop drinking long enough to give your body time to rid itself of the alcohol. The process usually takes a week, and most people go to rehab for substance abuse, an inpatient treatment centre or a hospital because of the withdrawal symptoms like:
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Treatment Options for Multiple Myeloma

Treatment Options for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell, which are known as plasma cells. With multiple myeloma, there are cancer cells growing in the bone marrow. These cells will mob the healthy blood cells. These cancer cells do not produce helpful antibodies, so the body can suffer complications. Many people wonder what the treatment options are for people that have multiple myeloma and we will go over the different available treatments: 1. Targeted therapy radiation for multiple myeloma Targeted therapy for multiple myeloma is a treatment that takes the molecules that help cancer to grow and kills them. The point of this treatment is to eliminate the cancer cells and leave healthy cells alone. Doctors can use several methods that can hinder the enzymes or proteins in cancer. This method makes the body seek and destroy the cancer cells that are working on the surface. They can also scan the DNA of your cancer cells using drugs that target the cells that have molecular or genetic mutations, which is called precision medicine. 2. Radiation therapy Multiple myeloma can also be treated with this radiation therapy. This treatment uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells.
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