Treatments for Prostate Cancer

Treatments for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the leading cancers that affect men of any demographic group. Many people have the misconception that it is an older man’s disease, but men of all ages are susceptible, although, older men are more at risk. The prostate is a walnut shaped gland that produces seminal fluid that transports and nourishes the sperm. Some signs of prostate cancer are difficulty with urination, decreased in the stream of urination, blood in semen, discomfort in pelvic area, pain in the bones, and erectile dysfunction. The mutation of abnormal cell DNA causes the cells to grow and divide, causing the cancer. Ere are the most common treatments for prostate cancer: 1. Active surveillance for non aggressive prostate cancer Some prostate cancer in men may not need immediate treatment. The doctor may recommend active surveillance which includes regular follow up biopsies, rectal exams, and blood tests to monitor progression of the cancer. If the cancer is progressing, other treatments like radiation or surgery may become an option. The active surveillance therapy is also known as the watch and wait method of treatment. 2. Surgery for prostate cancer Surgery for the cancer involves removing the prostate gland, some of the tissue surrounding it, and several lymph nodes.
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Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis

Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis

Arthritis is a debilitating disease in any of its many forms. Psoriatic Arthritis causes stiff and aching joints, swelling of the joints, and scaly, itchy patches of skin. The goal of treatment for this arthritis is to control the symptoms, and to help prevent further damage. Many people are unaware of the different types of arthritis as they have generally the same symptoms, but Psoriatic arthritis can affect the outside of the body as well as the inside. There are various treatment options available that can bring short term relief as well as lifestyle changes that can provide a natural relief for a longer period of time: 1. Diet and exercise People generally do not associate what they eat with their arthritis symptoms. What goes into the body can have a great positive or negative impact on the systems of the body. A Psoriatic arthritis diet should be rich in the foods that are best for enhancing joint health. Eating healthy meals can improve the overall health which could lead to less inflammation caused by arthritis. Exercise and other physical activity is good for the joints and muscles, and reduces inflammation. Opting for a lifestyle change that includes healthier meals, and a regular activity regimen will help the skeletal system.
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Cancer Causing Foods and Drinks

Cancer Causing Foods and Drinks

Cancer is categorized into five different types based on the part(s) of the body it affects. These types are defined as carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and leukemia. Carcinoma affects the skin, lungs, breasts, and pancreas. Sarcoma affects soft or connective tissues such as bone, muscle, fat, blood vessels, and cartilage. Melanoma affects the skin and its pigment cells. Lymphoma affects the body’s lymphocytes, while leukemia affects the blood. Research suggests that certain foods carry a higher risk of cancer risk if eaten regularly. Below is a list of cancer-causing foods: 1. Alcohol A great deal of research has been done which links the amount of alcohol consumed to a person’s risk of developing specific types of cancer. These include esophageal cancer, as well as neck, breast, liver, or colorectal cancers. Alcohol carries such a high risk because the body’s process for metabolizing alcohol produces a substance called acetaldehyde, a compound that has the potential to damage otherwise healthy DNA. 2. Processed meats Many processed meats contain chemical preservatives to help them last longer. These preservatives are believed to contribute to cancer if the body is exposed to them regularly. Examples of processed meats include things like bacon, hot dogs, pepperoni, beef jerky, or sausage.
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Foods that Help Soothe Colitis Flare Ups

Foods that Help Soothe Colitis Flare Ups

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that affects the bowels when the intestines become inflamed and ulcers form inside the digestive tract. The internal lining of the large intestine and rectum are affected. Symptoms are not quickly detected, but rather occur gradually. The pain and discomfort involved with ulcerative colitis can weaken and exhaust the sufferer and make it difficult to do simple tasks. Before embarking on a life-changing dietary plan, see your doctor and ensure you have a bowel disease severe enough to change your routines. If you do not have ulcerative colitis or other bowel diseases, it is inadvisable to alter your eating regimen. Your doctor can give you the best advice based on the diagnosis. Though the disease is serious, there are holistic approaches that can help reduce the symptoms and debilitating effects, in addition to doctor-prescribed medication and therapies: 1. Reduce fiber intake An ulcerative colitis diet includes foods that are low residue. Low residue foods are any foods that are low in fiber. Fiber is a nutrient that solidifies stool and increases its mass. Though it works to soften stool, the increase in mass and solidification of watery stool can exacerbate the symptoms and lesions typical with the disease.
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8 Foods that Trigger Migraine Headaches

8 Foods that Trigger Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are debilitating and painful. Often, the headache is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can last for a short time, a few hours, or even continue for days. There are different causes for migraines which can include stress, sleep deprivation, heat, and food. If you suffer from migraines, you should consult your physician for a proper diagnosis, treatment options, and change in diet. Many who suffer with migraines do not seek medical attention and instead self-soothe with dark rooms, ice packs, and over-the-counter migraine-strength pain killers. For persistent and pervasive migraine headaches, there are foods you may eat every day that could be triggering your migraine. Implementing a migraine diet can help reduce and eliminate migraines. Avoiding the following foods can help you live a more pain-free life: 1. Dairy Amino acid protein building blocks are necessary for good health, but many foods that contain amino acids, like cheese, yogurt, and chocolate may be feeding your migraine instead of your body. Food that isn’t safely stored may add tyramine levels that can further exacerbate migraines. 2. Processed meats Food enhancers and preservatives often include nitrates. Processed meat primarily uses nitrate-laden preservatives. Avoid deli meat, pepperoni, and hot dogs to help reduce this migraine trigger.
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Cancer Causing Elements in Environment

Cancer Causing Elements in Environment

As a leading cause of death worldwide, cancer is a significant health issue. The most common types of cancer in adults are breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal. For children, common types include leukemia and brain tumors. All cancers are related to carcinogens or substances that may cause cancer. Exposure to tobacco smoke, cancer-causing chemicals, and radiation can trigger abnormal tissue cells to overproduce. This accelerated growth creates tumors that can disrupt body systems and spread throughout the body. Below we put together a list of environmental factors that can cause cancer: 1. Asbestos Asbestos is a cancer-causing chemical previously used in building insulation, roofing materials, as well as in certain car parts, including brake linings and gaskets. Currently, asbestos is used in fiber cement board. The biggest problem with the material is that small particles can break off the main product and be inhaled into the body. Asbestos can cause mesothelioma, lung, and ovarian cancers. The risks were higher before 1989 when the EPA banned asbestos, but many older buildings still contain this carcinogen. 2. Tobacco smoke Cigarettes contain tobacco leaves and over 70 chemical additives, including arsenic, benzene, lead, and formaldehyde. These chemicals can lead to cancers of the lung, esophagus, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, stomach, and leukemia.
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Guilt Free Snacks for Diabetes

Guilt Free Snacks for Diabetes

Choosing a healthy snack can be difficult for the average person, but when you have type 2 diabetes it can feel like walking through a field of landmines. Your body needs certain nutrients to maintain steady blood sugar levels, but when you’re hungry it can be hard to make smart choices. Snacks should be around 200 calories or less and include healthy fats, dense nutrients, and high in fiber and protein while being low in added sugars. It sounds like a tall order, but we’re here to help with some guilt-free snack ideas: 1. A hard-boiled egg The protein content in eggs make them a guilt-free snack and should be included in a type 2 diabetes diet. Just one large egg contains 6 grams of protein, which can keep blood sugar levels from rising too high. You can even add some fiber with a couple of whole-grain crackers since eggs themselves are so low in carbohydrates. The fiber in the crackers can help slow down the digestive process which releases the energy from food over a longer period of time, thus stabilizing blood sugar levels. 2. Nuts by the handful Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans, and peanuts, contain healthy monounsaturated fats.
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5 Foods That Help Ease Eczema

5 Foods That Help Ease Eczema

By choosing to go on an eczema diet, you are choosing to help lessen the stress of your life by ridding the unwanted symptoms that eczema brings you. Between the dry skin and itching from atopic dermatitis, you will be doing yourself a huge favor by adding specific foods to your diet to help with the symptoms. Foods that are excellent for an eczema diet are fatty fish, blueberries, yogurt, cheese, and spinach. All of which are linked to helping with the dry skin and itching you have been experiencing. 1. Fatty Fish Fatty fish are excellent for atopic dermatitis as they contain anti-inflammatory agents such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Eating at least 250MG of Omega-3 per day will help symptoms of eczema you may be experiencing. Fish with high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids are salmon and herring. 2. Blueberries Blueberries are not only delicious to consume, but they are also very beneficial to those you suffering from the harsh symptoms of eczema which includes extremely dry skin and irritated areas on your skin that may become painful. Blueberries contain quercetin which is a flavonoid that helps reduce inflammation. 3. Yogurt Yogurt is rich in probiotics which is excellent for supporting a healthy immune system.
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4 Foods That Help With Depression

4 Foods That Help With Depression

Depression is something that drags many patients down; making it almost impossible to carry on with everyday life (i.e., work, school, social obligations, etc.). To help alleviate depression symptoms (and in addition to doctor-prescribed medications and therapies), it is important to add specific foods to your diet to help decrease your risk of depression and help with current symptoms. Foods to add to your diet for this purpose are oysters, fermented foods, lean proteins, and beans. After adopting a diet containing the following foods, you may start to notice improvement: 1. Oysters Oysters are excellent when it comes to mood-stabilizing foods as they contain high amounts of zinc which promote brain function when it comes to behavior and your mental clarity. Oysters also contain vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids which also contribute to healthy brain function. To add oysters into your diet start by steaming them or even in a stew during the colder seasons. 2. Fermented foods Fermented foods are great for a clinical depression diet as gut bacteria contribute to depression in adults. Fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha, and miso will help rid your body of unwanted gut bacteria which in return will help your risk of depression.
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4 Foods That Help With Migraines

4 Foods That Help With Migraines

Whether young or old, nearly everyone has experienced a headache at some time in their life. This minor head pain usually lasts for a short period of time and is relieved with an over the counter pain reliever. A migraine headache is a more severe head pain that is localized to one side of the head. They are caused by a temporary change in the brain’s nerve conduction and the pain is created by inflammatory changes in nerve cells. Researchers have found a link between migraines and food and suggest that some foods can relieve and even help prevent migraines: 1. Vegetables The first things to add to your daily diet are plenty of yellow, orange, and green vegetables. Eating vegetables is always good for overall health and studies have noticed that eating sweet potatoes, summer squash, carrots, and spinach can greatly help migraine headaches. These are considered pain-safe foods that are not migraine triggers and they act as a defense against migraine headaches. 2. Carbonated water Carbonated tap water, or spring water is also a good, natural migraine treatment. The body functions best when you drink an ample amount of water and drinking water that is free of any added preservatives or chemicals is better for those who suffer with migraine headaches.
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